Icarus Week 78 Update Galileo

ICARUS Patch Week 78 - GALILEO UPDATE! Fishing is HERE

Week 78 | Galileo Patch

Icarus Galileo Update (Fishing & Bestiary) | Icarus Week 78 Update June 2nd 2023 Reaction!

ICARUS Fish Buffs & Recipes | Galileo Patch Week 78

Icarus Has Fishing, LVL 60, Steam Achievements & More! Galileo is here! Icarus Week 78 Update!

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Icarus!! Major Update Galileo!

This is The COMPLETE Galileo Fishing Guide To: ICARUS

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MORE Talent Points Coming in Week 78 Update

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ICARUS First Look: HUGE GALILEO Patch - Fishing, Achievements & Bestiary

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